The Team at St. Barth Properties USA is changing a bit

I have some news for you. After 16 years with St. Barth Properties USA, Kathy Schlitzer, one of our St. Barth Villa and Hotel Specialists, has decided to retire on April 28, 2017. Kathy has been an asset to the company and a real team player. Her clients adore her. Leading up to this decision she had bought a place in Fort Myers, Florida where she could escape the chilly, snowy winter weather in the northeast, bought a little spring/summer place by the water in Rhode Island and told me that she is looking forward to spending more time with her grandchildren when she is up north. She will continue to pursue her many interests.
Kathy would like us all to know, “It’s been over 16 years since I first spoke to Peg about joining the St. Barth Properties team. Over those years, I’ve worked with so many wonderful clients and travel agents, couples, families, groups of friends, many returning annually or coming for special occasions. It’s been a great ride and I’ll miss my clients and my colleagues in our US and island offices very much. My decision to retire was a hard one, but I’d like to spend more time with family and friends – and of course traveling – my one true passion. My replacement, Allegra, has the knowledge and experience to take good care of my clients so I leave you all in good hands.” The staff at both of our St. Barth Properties offices, as well as her loyal clientele, will miss Kathy and we wish her well in her retirement.

We are pleased to announce that Allegra Pawlowski joined the St. Barth Properties USA team as a St. Barth Villa and a Hotel Specialist on March 02, 2017. Allegra comes to us with a wealth of experience in the villa rental industry and a love for St. Barth. It is her favorite destination! – No surprise there – In her own words, “I have worked in almost every aspect of the villa rental business on the island. I have generated villa rental reservations, performed villa inspections, worked at the airport as a greeter, escorted clients to the villa, helped suggest restaurants, activities, sights and beaches, interfaced with hiccups along the way making successful resolutions and returned guests to the point of departure.” A perfect fit, if you ask me. You may contact Allegra at [email protected].
Kathy is working closely with Allegra and is introducing her to her clientele. The entire team in the US office is also assisting Allegra in transitioning to our company and its emphasis on you and the service we provide you because you are our top priority. The St. Barth Properties-St Barth team has been working closely with her from the get-go as well as when she is on the island to do her inspections in May.
Au Revoir, Kathy
Bienvenue, Allegra