Easter weekend in St. Barth is unique. Some businesses (like the banks) choose to really stretch it out by closing on Thursday afternoon and reopening on Tuesday morning. Lucky them and lucky me because I just made it to the bank at 4:15 on Thursday, right before their 4:30 closing. Other businesses stayed open until noon on Friday and some made it until Saturday at noon. My SBH office was open and only closed for Easter Monday and Sunday, as usual. Of course our 24/7 “On-Call” phone was available to assist our clients in case of an emergency. Arriving clients had taken care of the fact that the grocery stores were closed (except Oasis which is open 365 days a year) by filling out our pre-arrival shopping list so that their villa’s fridge was already stocked when they arrived.
Did you guess the answer to my question as to what people are allowed to do only on Easter weekend?
Go Camping! I kid you not; the island allows people to set up camps on the beaches just one time per year and Easter is it. You ask yourself, “Go camping when the island’s size is only 8 square miles?” Think about it…You live on this paradise all year round and the idea of doing something different and fun is just what you need. You can set up camp with a BBQ and air mattresses and jump in the water for a swim at anytime. You can run home to use the facilities, take a shower and bring back more food, water and beer at the drop of a hat.
The weather was gorgeous and the island was hopping because it was school vacation for many and Value Season prices had just kicked in. If you want to come on down we have lots of villas at very reasonable prices. Many offer Special Packages. We have some wonderful hotel packages, too. For more information, contact [email protected]
What’s new? FYI: La Route des Boucaniers has been sold and is throwing a party on Sunday May 01, 2011 before closing its doors for good later that evening. New owners Xavier and Rimma Pignet (part owners of D0 Brazil) will begin renovating the place before reopening. Stay tuned as to what it will become. Thanks to the Delage Family for their many years of devotion and success as great restaurateurs. Bonne Chance to you in your future endeavors.