The Annual St. Barth Properties Beachside Bash
Rhum Tasting with R St. Barth
Kick off the Season with St. Barth Properties
Now that the 4th of July and Bastille Day are behind us, it’s time to think about the next party! St. Barth Properties announces its annual beachside bash will take place November 10, 2011. It’s a casual, private party for our guests, owners and partners who will be on the island during that time. We value these relationships highly so, why not celebrate the start of the new season and the arrival of our new Live your Dream® Catalogue by throwing a party?
St Barth Properties Annual Beachside Bash
Drinks, snacks, light dinner and entertainment
7:00 pm to 11:00 pm Thursday November 10, 2011
Dõ Brazil on Shell Beach
Christine Gordon and Soley have signed on to entertain us so be ready to dance when the song inspires you to boogie (or slow dance if you are feeling romantic). Christine sings Jazz Favorites, R&B Classics, Motown Favorites, and is sure to bring you to your feet with her Dynamic Disco Set! Soley is a Spanish-French guitar player and singer. He often plays in different venues around St. Barth and people flock to see him. You will surely enjoy listening to him. He and Christine will also perform together which is a real treat.

Many people plan their vacation a around the party so don’t miss out. It is always a great time!
Rhum Tasting and Demonstration at R. St. Barth
Would you like to learn about rhum? There is a new very sophisticated boutique in Gustavia that recently opened. The owner, Mikaël Silvestre is a professional soccer player who played for Manchester United and is presently playing for the German team Werder Bremen. He has taken the time to start a fascinating new business in order to cultivate the Guadeloupian rhum agricole enthusiast. (Stay tuned… I will be blogging about the amazing experience that he has created). But for now, plan on attending a rhum tasting event. The staff will speak about each of the rhums and offer tastings while educating you on their distillation process and what makes R. St Barth unique. We plan on hosting it November 11 and may add a second evening Nov 12 as we are limited to 40-50 people. Be sure to RSVP to both events as soon as you have arranged for your villa or hotel accommodation with us. To do so, just email [email protected].

If you have the time to extend your stay to the following week, please plan on attending our annual Beaujolais Nouveau party which will be held at precisely at 7:01 pm on November 16, 2011 at Le Cellier du Gouverneur in Gustavia. Be one of the first to taste it!
I hope to see you in November!